Today was a big mommy moment friends. I officially registered Hudson into kindergarten. He is officially "in the system." Although we won't know if he gets in to the dual immersion program (spanish speaking) for another month, he is definitely going to kindergarten. I know I've addressed this issue a few times and I was so over people who talked about the "to send or not to send" subject before I had a kid, but when you do have your own, this is a big deal. Or at least most people make it out to be a big deal.
Surprisingly, I was not sad at all. In fact, as I walked on the elementary school campus I became energized and excited for this new adventure we are all about to embark on. Especially for Hudson, obviously.
Then, when I went to pick him up from pre-school, I saw a few other parents, who have not yet made the big "to send or not to send" decision, with worry in their eyes. Worry about doing the 'wrong' thing. Worry about not having a plan yet. Worry that they are worried and still trying to decide. They ask me what we are doing and I confidently say "sending him."
One thing about me, it's not that I am sooo confident, it's that once I make a decision, I stick with it. I would call it more stubborn and less confident. It is almost a fault, but at the end of the day, I don't dwell over spilled milk and there is something to be said about that.
So, I've pretty much heard it all. The pros and the cons. The good reasons to send and the bad. The bottom line is my kid may have to work harder (or smarter) than another kid to get through kindergarten or maybe even throughout his entire education, but I just don't see that as a negative factor.
One final thought: If your kid is gonna be a fuck up, they will either be paying the older kids to buy them cigs or buying the cigs themselves for the younger kids. Either way, you can always blame it on the year they started kindergarten.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Chinese Proverb

Hud, his new desk, and his old growl face.