I didn't mean to evoke such a large response by my post yesterday. But I wear my heart on my sleeve and if you are really in this journey with us, you gotta take the bad with the good. Not every day is sugar plums and fairies. Most days, I'm able to see the bright side but there are days like yesterday that completely devastate me, in that moment (or 4.5 hours.)
Today was a better day and that's all I can ask for. I take it one day at a time and hope for miracles in the meantime.
I thought I would share a letter I wrote today. It also explains a little bit.
Dear Officer Schmoll,
You are a good man. We first met in the ER on March 24, 2011. You followed the ambulance that my husband was in. You stayed with me much longer than you had to. You were kind and comforting. You ever so gently let me know, that the sweatshirt I had brought for E, was probably not going home with him that night. We had an instant bond as soon as I heard you say "about" and it sounded like "a boat."
"Where are you from?" I asked.
It sounds weird but I knew then that E would be ok. You were a sign from something/someone much larger than myself saying it's going to be ok. Plus you were a cop (like my dad and grandpa) and bald (also like my dad and grandpa.) For the record, I like bald guys and cops.
Then yesterday came along. My brain injured husband had been "missing" for 4.5 hours. He had not returned back to brain camp and no one (except for 1 person, we found out later) had seen or heard from him. No wallet. No phone. I was worried sick (hysterical.)
It was you, officer Schmoll who came to my front door to see if I was ok. (after the local sheriff department was notified.)
You made me laugh, as you laughed your ass off when my non threatening puggle barked and practically scared the gun belt off of your tall, skinny, dorky looking understudy. (Don't tell him I said that.)
Thank you.
Is it reassuring to know we have a local guardian angel, who happens to be a cop?
-Mandy from Minnesota

(Officer Schmoll. Yesterday. In our driveway.)

(no caption needed other than I made him do it.)

(yes, I put ice cubes in red wine like an 80 year old crazy lady.)

(chocolate shake to celebrate a great visit at the dentist.)