Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Short, middle aged and broke

I hate getting catalogs in the mail, loving all of their stuff (Free People) and then realizing I am not 5'10," 99 lbs, 17 years old and rich. In fact, when I think about it, if I were to "categorize" myself, I am short, middle aged and broke. Bummer.

At least I have a job, access to Botox and platform shoes and my family....of course. But sometimes, a girl just needs a new outfit. Period. No reason. Not about anyone else. Just a new pair shoes folks.
Age appropriate, schmage appropriate.

Hudson and I went to the Container Store tonight to get ourselves "organized." This is fun stuff for us, seriously.

E sent me a link today. He wants to buy a Vespa. This is so wrong and not going to happen, on so many levels. Need I explain more?

Paris in the
the Spring.

Did you read
Paris in the Spring?
Paris in the THE Spring.

I read the first. It shows you how our minds make automatic assumptions if we are not paying attention. It happens to me ALL the time. Especially in the past 6 months. I am making more of an effort to be aware of what is and less aware of what was and what might be.

So. Right now, I'm aware, that I want to play dress up.
Even if I am short, middle aged, broke and don't go anywhere that I can wear a fur and a sequined mini dress, in the same night.

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