Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Vacation Extravaganza, Part Won.

This year I am so happy that we decided to do a vacation rather than a gift exchange. Honestly, there is no present that could be bought that would have compared to our Christmas vacation thus far. That includes E and I arguing while we drive deep in the the mountains, about to run out of gas, looking for his college buddies vineyard because E "was sure" there would be a gas station "somewhere." I am more of a planner so driving uphill, into no mans land, where we've never been, for 40 min, with the gas light on, rolling the dice that we would just run into a gas station.....not my idea of fun. But we did find gas AND the vineyard. In that order. So for this time E, you win.

Our humble abode at El Capitan.

Hud's 1st time bowling.

Bumpers and a dinosaur ramp after we got smart. He almost won, both games.

The friends winery was called "Artiste." Not sure if the painting was open to the public but I see a wine label in his future.

And....we're off....

Today we hiked.

And hiked.

And took a break.

And found a farmer and his goats. (For reals)

And held the goats.

And got tackled by the goats.

And walked back.

And learned how to ride a bike, sans training wheels.

And celebrated. (A shout out to the balance bike for a smooth transition.)

And ate Macaroni and cheese in a cup, camping style.
(Elf on a shelf dead tired from his travels Aka. I am sick of moving that damn doll around. Hey Elf, why don't you do something sneaky like pack up the car for us tonight because it's ME who picks up after you and your cute little tricks and quite're starting to annoy me.)

And ate Harry's homemade pie, awesome style.

Tomorrow we Disney.

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