E and I have both been summoned to testify at some point during the trial. Neither of us have an interest in going other than to fulfill our obligation to the court.
I posted a little something to the “bad guy” who did this to E about 1 year ago and I feel exactly the same now (with a small update) as I did then so I will say it again.
Dear Bad Guy,
I just want you to know that my husband is a good guy and so am I and our 5 year old who were peacefully sleeping in bed, when you changed our lives forever.
We forgive you. (You can thank our son Hudson for that, as forgiveness is a hard but important lesson to teach.) Justice to me, would not be sending you to jail. What I would do is fly to Montana where you have been living your "normal" life and I would serve you with a 1 year sentence. You would need to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 360 days at a brain injury rehabilitation center. No pay. You would have to figure out another way to get by that year as we did. Its part of the journey. And you better give it your all every single day or the days will start over. And at the end of the year, you would bring me flowers (hey, its my vision) and have dinner with E and I. You would apologize and we would accept.
Forget arguing in court over what happened, why it happened, how it happened. It happened and we all get what we give in this life.
So you, bad guy, give someone else, who is deserving, a year (plus) of your life that you stole from ours and we will call it good. If you have any kind of a soul at all, which I believe you probably do, it will change your life just like it has changed ours.
Hey bad guy, you're welcome. At the end of the day, a lot of great things have come out of this (no thanks to you) and E and I are both different people from this experience. I don't regret what we have gone through to get here, I do regret the way that it happened. Nonetheless, we forgive you.
UPDATE: I am now pregnant and less tolerable of “bullshit.” As a result, if before dinner, I could have just 5 minutes, alone with you in a room so I can give you the verbal ass-hole ripping, tongue lashing, and maybe some finger pointing, that quite frankly, you have coming to you from the wife of the guy whom you attacked, that would be great. I think a big guy like you would be impressed by the number of F-bombs a small person like me can fit into a 5 minute verbal assault. Just ask my husband.
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