Today I realized it’s been a while since I’ve given an update on Eric’s progress. He has been on a good trend the last few weeks (which we earned.)
He is no longer at brain camp and is working “full time.” (Full time but at a much slower pace, one job at a time.) He is fortunate as a web developer to have a job and partners which allow him to ease back into his role (or he would probably be fired.)
We are actively cutting down his medications as quickly (while still be safe and medically supervised) as possible. He is still on a TON of medication but I have seen vast improvements with the small adjustments we have made thus far. His personality is still a bit stifled by the meds. It is hard to know sometimes if he just doesn’t give a shit, or if the pills just don’t give a shit. I think it’s the latter. But we have to go slow in the waning process as he is still seizure prone in addition to the sensitive mind that we are still uncovering. The good news is, E has evolved and when things go wrong I simply ask:
Is this the brain injury? Is this a “man” thing? Or are you just being a dick?
(To be fair, he asks me the same 3 questions and I have a different answer every time. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus....right?)
I am starting to see the old E with slight modifications and I can live with that. Next week will be 8 months since his injury, almost a full pregnancy term. I definitely feel like I’ve given birth to something these past few weeks but I am still not sure what it was. A stress demon perhaps?
Bottom line, I (we) have been able to keep E from safe from hurting himself, I (we) have been able to keep ME from hurting E. Not only do I still love him, but I am starting to like him again. (Write that one down Hallmark.)

Our Thanksgiving card coming to a mail box near you.

Hudson, just being rad.