Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby, it's HOT outside.

Is it November or July? Hard to tell around SD this weekend. I want to say I love it but honestly I had to force myself out of holiday (crock potting, Ugg wearing, hot chocolate drinking) mode. It was high 70 degrees and sunny all weekend. Nonetheless, we still got our Christmas tree (in T-shirts and flip flops) but we also went to the farmers market, the park and coerced ourselves (myself) to take in some vitamin D. After all, This is why we pay the "sunshine tax."

Also happy birthday to my dad! The best advice you ever gave me: "Chose your job and work it because you want to, not because you have to." Meaning, if you're going to be (fill in the blank) do it because you want to, not because it's your only option.
Pretty smart for a (retired) cop who has never liked donuts.

Love you dad! And now for the weekend slide show.......

Dad and E. (pre-brain injury in MN)

Picking out our Nordman Pine.

Gelato. Post Chargers loss.

Sort of like food pics, it never translates as well in photos as it does in person but our tree turned out pretty, pretty.

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