As of late, I've been annoyingly self involved. It is really not like me but its been an important part in dealing with what has been handed to us, as it comes. By the way, I fully understand and appreciate that everyone has their own "trauma." It doesn't take a brain injury to make someone stop and re-evaluate their life. I wouldn't say that I'm re-evaluating life, but I am doing a lot of self discovery aka) What the fuck just happened? Who the fuck am I? What the fuck am I doing here? Believe me I don't always like what I see, but that's what makes it worth while.
The biggest lesson I've learned through all of this is I worry too much about what was and what could be instead of what IS. Sometimes it is simpler, sometimes it is more complicated but what IS, is what's always the truth.
As a self admitted control freak (with things not people) and obsessive list maker and planner, I've learned to let go of what I think I know. (Well for today at steps.)
At the end of the day, it's just the end of A day. So make it a good one. Today was a good (great) day and according to my list, tomorrow will be good as well.

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