Sunday, March 25, 2012

1 YEAR post a traumatic brain injury.

Well, folks, today marks 1 year since E's traumatic brain injury. Last year at this time, I had absolutely NO idea how our lives would be forever changed. A good thing.

Initially, I had plans to do sort of a timeline re-cap of the year but as I sat down the only thing that came to mind is "fuck last year."

It's been a memorable year, no doubt. Good moments? No doubt. However, I'm done with it. E has come a VERY long way. Much like the first year of a baby's life, they start out needing help with everything from feeding to...well you know, the other end. Then they gradually learn to eat, walk, talk, and get around on their own. That was pretty much the life cycle for E this past year.....Except in warp speed, because he can drive, he has a bank account, he is over 21 and is a dad. When you put it into perspective, one year olds are like breakfast in bed as far as I'm concerned.

So, as of today, E is doing all of the things he was doing before the injury. However, it is all at a much slower pace. Much slower. We are all different from the day before the injury. We are all different from the day after the Injury. BUT my friends, we all lived through the year and we are done living as victims of this brain injury that has been plaguing our minds, every single day for the last 365 days.

I have moved on and I'm taking my family with me. One day at a time, with all of our plans and dreams still in mind.

Fuck the brain injury.

E and I many moons ago.

This morning. March 25, 2012.

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