Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weekly wrap up

Just some weird hobbies.......

Hudson would not get in the bath. I told him I would put him in with his clothes on...3 times. He didn't believe me......
(He proceeded to get a full on ear infection the next day, for which I refuse to take the blame and I now have 2 boys to give meds, 2x a day)

Massive blister on his middle finger.....no, not from karate, but from snapping his fingers. A new, obsessive hobby.

E has a new hobby. He's finding bikes that people have been throwing out and bringing them home to fix up. He has actually found a few good little diamonds in the rough. That being said, if you live near us and happen to be missing a bike, call E. (I'm kidding...mostly)

The good news is he is taking a break from the succulent garden that seems to be taking over our back (entire) yard. I'm talking thousands of succulents people.

As for me, well, I have hobbies and have been obsessing a little as well..

Obsessing over going here the end of April and hanging out with one of my favorite people of all time, HRN. (Heather Rainey Nessler)

Obsessing over books I want to read and photography I want to take. But not books about photography.


This article cracked me up:

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