Wednesday, February 8, 2012

JFK, Gisele, and being gay.

I'm kind of grumpy and overwhelmed this week. I get really annoyed with the fact that it's impossible to do a phenomenal job at anything when you're trying to do everything. Ie) work, home, relationships, working out, girl time, relationship time, mommy time, clean the house time, me time.
It's all about re-adjusting the time I have but as of late......I haven't had time.

So, instead, I'm going to touch on a few current events because lets face it, at times, talking about other people is soooo much easier than dealing with my own crap.

1. The lady (Mimi Alford) who had the affair with JFK (50 years ago) and happen to write a book about it. First of all, a famous, powerful, rich man having an affair? SHOCKER! It's pretty much a prerequisite for most politicians and professional sports athletes for that matter. This is not to say it's ok or that I'm condoning it but seriously, I think we know the drill by now. This is not "news." These narcissistic men will continue to sleep around as long as there are women who are willing to sleep with them.

2. The Gisele Bundchen post Superbowl "rant."
Ok for those of you who don't get your news from Entertainment Tonight like I do, Gisele is a super hot, supermodel, who happens to be married to Tom Brady (super hot football player.) Some press guys gave her a hard time about Tom losing the game and she retorted by sort of blaming Toms' teammates. Now, the press is all over her for her "crazy rant."
Really? I am on team Gisele and here is why. She's Brazilian so I would have expected WAY more swearing than what she did. In addition, I wholly respect her competitive nature. We all know that Gisele and Tom are not going to have to dine on Ramen Noodles for the next year because he lost a silly little Superbowl Game. Gisele alone, is a billionaire. That being said, if it would have been me (as Gisele and after a few beers) my response would have been "Really dickhead? I'm going to buy the NY Giants and next year, "I" will own Eli, asshole.." or something like that.

3. Finally, can we let gay people get married already? I mean seriously, the time, money and energy spent STOPPING this is ridiculous. Honestly, is marriage that much of a "treat" that we don't want "those evil gay people" to get to enjoy? Please, tell me what I'm missing here. Plus, our society needs gay people. Why? There are a million reasons but a big one is because they are socially responsible. Unlike folks such as the ass-hat Duggar family who have 19+ children and think that it's ok. I'm with ya Duggars, "God works in mysterious ways," but it's not that mysterious. I think we all know by now how babies are made. So let the gays be married and have a 50% chance of making it like the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. 1- agree, especially the last sentence!
    2- disagree- ever since she ripped on women for using formula with such venom/disdain, I cannot stand her. Glad breast feeding worked for you G, but leave the rest of us women who were not so lucky and feel enormous guilt the hell alone. I do love Tom, though.
    3- agree and LOL on the Duggars.

    You made my cold Minnesota night. See you in June :)
