Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Think happy thoughts

Lots going on at the moment. The great thing about having a 4 year old is that no matter what's happening in adult land, it's business as usual in kid land. It happens to be October and my kid happens to love holidays. ALL holidays. He would celebrate Secretary's Day if he knew when it was and that keeps everything happy.

Life is as hard and complicated as we make it. Ok, I'm not gonna lie, this brain injury has really made life hard and complicated (shitty and difficult.)
Nonetheless, it is Hudson, who forces me to take time to stop and smell the plumerias (we have a tree in our yard) and he keeps "little" things like pumpkins VERY important. Without him, today would have been just another shitty, difficult day.....but it wasn't.

Bringing his pumpkin to his pre-school pumpkin patch today. He insisted on carrying.

About to drop the pumpkin.

Vampire grill.

4 year old version of candlelight dinner. Mac and cheese and jack o'lantern lights. Very clever Hud.

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