Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy wife, happy life.

Ok, so, I just need to clear the air about something. It seems as I've been ranting a lot lately which is not in my nature but I'm trying a new "catch and release" technique as issues come up. I'm trying to address things as they arrive and then immediately let go of them instead of hanging on to resentment. (Something my therapist highly recommended to me.) So basically, if you pissed me off in 3rd grade or before, you're all good. I'm over it. If it was after 3rd grade, you're probably still in the shit house but bear with me, I'm working on it. Anyways, here it goes.

Dear E's friends,
If you are going to hang out with E, please do not drink beer with and/or take him to a bar with you to drink beer. Let us not forget that although he seems fine, he is only 5 months out from a traumatic brain injury. He's not always capable of making good decisions for himself. That would be where you, the Non-brain-injured friend would come in. It's not hard, just don't give to E something that you would not give your toddler. This may mean the time spent with E you are not doing/partaking in things that might tempt him. For example, you would not sit down with a child and eat a plate of cookies in front of them, only expecting the child to eat 1. The same goes for brain injured dudes. I am not condemning nor am I judging as this is all a new experience for most of us. Trust me, I'm probably extra pissed off lately because I've had to give up my nightly glass of wine. (When my therapist asked if I have been drinking too much I said "No, I haven't been drinking at all and I think that's part of the problem." He tried not to, but he laughed.)

Bottom line, do what is right by your friend. If he tells you that you suck, don't take it personally. I can assure you, he'll forget about it tomorrow. Another admirable E quality: he doesn't hold a grudge.
If you're not up for it, call me and I'll be the bitch. I'm pretty used to that by now.
Are we cool?

Ok, now that THATS out of the way....

What the hell am I going to make for dinner?

Henri the dog has been itching like a mo fo lately so I took him to the vet today. After 1 cortisone shot, a week supply of prednisolone, special shampoo, flea medication, and an antibiotic ($187 later), I think he's finally feeling better. Hopefully, he won't be rubbing his ass on every piece of furniture tonight while I'm trying to sleep. For the love of dog!

Oh, and Hud wants to be a "Red Power Ranger" for Halloween.

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